There is a common belief that the fetal heart rate can predict the gender of the baby. Some people believe that a higher fetal heart rate, typically above 140 beats per minute, indicates a female fetus, while a lower rate indicates a male. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this belief, and experts have stated that fetal heart rate has no correlation with the gender of the baby.
Furthermore, the normal range of fetal heart rate varies depending on various factors. For instance, during the first trimester, the fetal heart rate ranges between 90 and 110 beats per minute. As the pregnancy progresses, the heart rate increases gradually and may reach 170-200 beats per minute in the third trimester. However, the fetal heart rate is affected by factors such as activity level, gestational age, maternal health, and the size of the baby.
In conclusion, fetal heart rate alone is not a reliable indicator of a baby's gender. The only sure way to know the gender of your baby is through prenatal testing, such as ultrasound or genetic testing. So, if you are hoping for a girl, it's best not to rely on your baby's heart rate for gender prediction.