Yes, a fetal heart rate of 158 beats per minute (BPM) is considered normal during the 20th week of pregnancy. The fetal heart rate usually starts at around 110-160 BPM in the first trimester and gradually slows down as the pregnancy progresses. By the 20th week, it typically stabilizes at around 120-160 BPM.
A fetal heart rate between 120 and 160 BPM is generally considered to be normal. However, it's essential to remember that there can be variations in the fetal heart rate throughout the day due to several factors, such as changes in the baby's activity level, the mother's stress levels, and even external factors like noise or movement.
If there are any concerns about the fetal heart rate, an ultrasound may be performed to check for any potential issues. In rare cases, a low or high fetal heart rate can be an indication of fetal distress or other complications. Still, it's important to remember that every pregnancy is unique, and what's considered normal may vary for each mother and baby.
Overall, a fetal heart rate of 158 BPM during the 20th week of pregnancy is generally considered to be within the normal range and a positive sign of a healthy and growing baby. However, it's still essential to maintain regular prenatal check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor the baby's growth and development and address any concerns promptly.